Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A light on the path.

I have always enjoyed writing. I can remember when I was little, writing in my little heart diary with a lock on it that had a key that was made for virtually any diary lock, making it's purpose obsolete. I would write about my day; the walk I went on with my mom, what games I played that day with my friends, and the secret crush on the boy next door. I think it helped me make what was happening in my life real. And I loved the feeling of knowing that I could write whatever I wanted to because no one else would read it (except for my brother of course, but I was nothing but a small naive child and didn't know that at the time). As I grew up, I continued to write but not as frequently until I started to walk with Jesus the summer after my freshman year in college. God would speak to me so clearly and I wanted to capture everything He was saying to me. Writing in my journal would help me see how real and how intertwined God was in every detail in my life, even when I wasn't walking with Him. I have had a desire to start a blog for a while now but I hesitated starting one because I thought no one would be interested in reading about my ordinary life. But I came to the conclusion that that isn't the point. My hope is that as you read the truths I discover in my life, you would also find truth in yours. Thanks for coming with me on this journey :)


  1. Cant wait to read more, Cas.N.

  2. :) what a great first entry! Love you! Write your little heart out, girl!

  3. You are hilarious and inspiring, I love your blog already :)
